Health and Wellness

Life Events

If you experience a life event, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child, you may be eligible to make changes to your current benefit elections. To make changes, visit OneUSG Connect – Benefits website (accessible via TechWorks, click the doctor icon). 

When Can I Make Benefit Changes?

  • Per IRS regulations, benefit changes are normally allowed only during the annual enrollment period between October and November.
  • However, certain changes to your family or work status, may allow you to make mid-year benefit changes.
  • Regulations require changes be made within 30 days of your life changing event, which is also the effective date of your benefit changes. If you are changing your name, click here.


  • When you have a qualified life event, you may make any change related to the life event — for example, if you have a baby, you may add the new child to your plan but you cannot add a spouse.
  • Changes not made within 30 days of the event will have to wait until annual enrollment.
  • Visit the OneUSG Connect – Benefits website for a list of qualified life events.

Death of an Employee

We would like to offer our deepest condolences to you and your family on your loss. We realize this is a difficult time but there are a few things related to your benefits that you may need your attention. When an employee of Georgia Tech passes away the employees’ supervisor or manager should be notified as soon as possible. If you are unsure of the contact information for the employees’ department, please contact:

Administrative Services Center (ASC)
404-385-1111 (8:00AM – 5:00PM Monday-Friday)

The employees ‘department will take the appropriate action to end the employee’s employment in the next 24 hours. After the action has been approved, it is sent to the OneUSG Connect-Benefits Center overnight by electronic file to update them on the employee’s passing.

GTHR Benefits Department - How We Can Help

Upon notification of death a GT Benefits Specialist will obtain an electronic copy of the employees Summary of Benefits and Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation from the OneUSG Connect – Benefits Center portal for our records. These documents can be e-mailed by GTHR Benefits to the employees’ beneficiary or eligible dependents (for insurance purposes) immediately if needed by family members.

Confirmation of Life Insurance

GTHR Benefits Department can assist employees with confirming life insurance for funeral arrangements or assignment purposes. Calls from funeral homes that need to verify life insurance should be directed to (404) 894-4847, press 9 to speak with an HR representative.

OneUSG Benefits Center - Contact with Family Members

A Life Specialist from the OneUSG Connect- Benefits Center will call the beneficiary on file with the Benefits Center within 3 days of receiving (electronic) notification of the employee’s death to review the benefits and life insurance that the employee was enrolled in prior to their death.

IMPORTANT: The One USG Connect-Benefits Center cannot discuss life insurance or other benefits with family members or beneficiaries until the employee’s termination has been sent to the Benefits Center by electronic file (after being entered by Georgia Tech). A delay in entering the termination in PeopleSoft will cause a delay with family receiving information about survivor benefits.

Life Insurance Claims & Continuing Medical Insurance

Family members will receive the following information when they speak with a OneUSG Connect- Benefits Center Life Specialist:

  • Continuing medical, dental, and other benefits for family members covered on the deceased employee’s insurance.
  • Instructions for filing life insurance claims with MetLife

Beneficiaries can speak with a Life Specialist at the One USG Connect Benefits Center by phoning 844-587-4236, press 7 to speak. Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern time.

Notification of Death - Retirement Plans

When an employee passes away the Retirement Plan/Record keeper for that plan should be contacted by a family member as soon as possible. A retirement plan representative will provide directions for submitting proof of death and discuss the available distribution options with the employee’s beneficiary for each retirement plan that the employee is enrolled in.

If you are unsure of the retirement plans that the employee was enrolled in, please contact GTHR at (404) 894-4847, press 9 to speak with an HR representative for assistance.

Teacher Retirement System of Georgia (TRS)

To report the death of an employee member enrolled in Teacher Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) phone (404)352-6500. TRS representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), 457(b) or 403(b)

To report the death of an employee enrolled in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), 457(b) or 403(b) plans the record keeper(s) that manages the employee’s account should be contacted. The three vendors that manage these accounts for the USG are:


TIAA Phone: 844-230-7527
Fidelity Phone: 800-343-0860
AIG/VALIC Phone: 800-448-2542

Resources to Support Employees and Families

Georgia Tech Human Resources Phone: (404) 894-4847
Press 9 to speak with an HR representative
Kepro Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Phone: 844-243-4440 or
(company code: USGCares)
OneUSG Connect-Benefits Call Center Phone: 844-587-4236

Death of a Retired Employee

We would like to offer our deepest condolences to you and your family on your loss.

When a retired employee of Georgia Tech passes away that was enrolled in a USG healthcare, dental, vision, or life insurance plan:

  • A family member or legal representative of the retiree should contact the One USG-Connect Benefits Center to notify the Benefits Center of the retiree’s death.
  • A Life Specialists with the Benefits Center will discuss the following information:
    • Making changes or canceling medical, dental (if applicable)
    • Instructions for filing life insurance claims with MetLife

To reach the One USG Connect-Benefits Center please phone 844-587-4236, press 7 to be connected to a Life Specialist. The One USG Connect-Benefits Center is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern time.

Notification of Death - Retirement Plans

When a retiree passes away the Retirement Plan/Record keeper for that plan should be notified by a family member or legal representative as soon as possible. A retirement plan representative will provide directions for submitting proof of death and discuss the available distribution options with the retiree’s beneficiary for each retirement plan that the retiree is enrolled in.

  • Teacher Retirement System of Georgia (TRS)
    To report the death of a retiree receiving a pension from Teacher Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) phone (404)352-6500. TRS representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), 457(b) or 403(b)
    To report the death of a retiree with ORP, 457(b) or 403(b) retirement accounts please contact the vendor where the account is held. There are three vendors that manage these accounts for the USG:
TIAA 844-230-7524
Fidelity 800-343-0860
AIG/VALIC 800-448-2542

Death of a Spouse or Child

As a Georgia Tech employee, we would like to offer our deepest condolences to you and your family on your loss. Although we realize this is a difficult time for you, there are a few things related to your benefits that you may need your attention.

Death of a Spouse or Dependent Child

To make changes to your benefits coverage due to your spouse’s or child’s death please contact the One USG Connect Benefits Center at 844-587-4236. The death of your spouse or covered child is a qualified change in status. Therefore, you can make certain changes to your health and other benefits plans within 30 days of the date of loss.

Benefits Center Representative are available from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. The Benefits Center is prepared and ready to assist you with:

  • Filing claims for dependent life insurance
  • Updating beneficiaries for your life plans
  • Making changes to health and other benefits plans

Confirmation of Life Insurance

GTHR Benefits Department can assist employees with confirming life insurance for funeral arrangements or assignment purposes. Calls from funeral homes that need to verify life insurance should be directed to (404) 894-4847, press 9 to speak with an HR representative.

Life Insurance Claims and Continuing Medical Insurance

When a spouse or dependent child passes away, the employee or another family member should report the death to the OneUSG Connect-Benefits Center at 844-587-4236 within 30 days of the date of death, or as soon as possible.

After the death has been reported to the Benefits Center a Life Specialist with the Benefits Center will call the employee within 3 days of receiving notification of the family member death to review benefits and life insurance.

During the call with the Life Specialist, the following information will be discussed:

  • Making changes to medical, dental and beneficiaries for life insurance
  • Instructions for filing life insurance claims with MetLife

Employees can speak with a Life Specialist with the One USG Connect Benefits Center Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern time.

Making Changes to Beneficiaries for Retirement

To make changes to your beneficiaries for the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) phone (404)352-6500, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or through the TRS member website at

To make changes to beneficiaries for the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) or 457(b) or 403(b) plans contact your investment provider:

TIAA 844-230-7524
Fidelity 800-343-0860
AIG/VALIC 800-448-2542


Resources to Support Employees and Families

•  Kepro Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1-844-243-4440 or
(company code: USGCares)
•  Leave of Absence Policy