Time Away

Shared Sick Leave

The Shared Sick Leave Program allows employees to donate their unused sick leave to a pool where it can be used by other Georgia Tech employees who have used all of their accumulated paid leave, but are experiencing serious health conditions.


Only regular benefits-eligible employees who have completed their Board of Regents provisional period can donate to the Shared Leave Program.

  • A minimum donation of eight (8) sick leave hours is required to become a leave pool member.
  • An employee must have a minimum of forty (40) sick leave hours remaining after their donation.
  • Minimums are pro-rated for part-time employees

    Request Process

    • To request a donation from the shared sick leave pool an employee should complete a Shared Sick Leave Request Form and also have an FMLA Medical Certification on file with Georgia Tech Human Resources Benefits.

    • Medical Certifications are not required when employees are on leave due to childbirth.
    • A shared leave recipient cannot receive shared sick leave along with other short- or long-term income protection benefits (such as SSI, Disability, Workers Compensation, etc.)
    • Any unused shared sick leave not used by a recipient for a qualifying illness or injury will be forfeited to the shared leave pool.
    • Completed forms should be uploaded to the GTHR –  Benefits Extended Leave Team Confidential Dropbox by clicking HERE.

    Donating Leave to the Pool

    Donations to the program are accepted annually during the benefits Open Enrollment period established by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents.