Time Away
Paid Parental Leave
In accordance with Georgia’s Paid Parental Leave law the University System of Georgia (USG) provides up to a maximum of 240 hours of paid parental leave, during any 12-month period, to eligible employees for qualifying life events as defined in this policy. The purpose of paid parental leave is to enable the eligible employee to care for and bond with a newborn, newly adopted or newly placed foster child of the eligible employee.
New Eligibility Requirements effective July 1, 2024
- Regular benefits eligible employees who work 30 hours or more per week and have at least 6 months of continuous service with USG. This employee group is NOT required to work 700 hours within the 6-month period of continuous employment.
- Regular partially benefits eligible employees with between 20-29 standard hours, have at least 6 months of continuous service with USG, and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months preceding the requested leave.
- Non-benefits eligible employees with a regular status who work less than 20 hours per week, have at least 6 months of continuous service, and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months preceding the requested leave.
- Non-benefits eligible employees with a temporary status, have at least 6 months of continuous service, and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months preceding the requested leave.
Qualifying Events
Qualifying life events include:
- The birth of a child.
- Placement of a minor for adoption.
- Placement of a minor child for foster care.
- Eligible leave amount: Up to a maximum of 240 hours of paid leave per qualifying event.
- The maximum of 240 hours is the same, regardless of the number of qualifying events within the year and across USG institutions.
- Leave may be used on a continuous or intermittent basis.
- Unused leave does not carry over for future use.
- Unused parental leave has no cash value upon separation from employment.
- Parental leave will run concurrent with FMLA if eligible.
Note: Rehired retirees who are receiving retirement benefits and students are not eligible for paid parental leave
Request Process
If an employee has one of the qualifying life events mentioned above they should submit a request for extended leave through OneUSG Connect Employee Self-Service.
Completed forms may be delivered to the GTHR Benefits Extended Absence Team in two ways:
- Upload your documents to our confidential Dropbox by clicking HERE
- Fax your documents to our confidential fax at (404) 894-6978
GTRI employees requesting leave must submit their requests using the appropriate request forms. Request forms are located under Leave-Absence on the GTHR Forms & Guides website.

Paid Parental Leave
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I begin requesting the use of Paid Parental Leave law?
The state law establishing paid parental leave for eligible state employees becomes effective July 1, 2024. Employees may begin requesting leave on that date.
Is Parental Leave retroactive?
Parental leave cannot be granted for absences prior to July 1, 2024, but leave can be taken based on a qualifying event that occurs prior to the effective date of the state law. Leave must be taken in the 12-month period following the initial qualifying event.
Can I request Parental Leave for a qualifying event that occurred prior to July 1, 2024?
An eligible employee may request the use of parental leave based on a qualifying event that occurs prior to the effective date of the state law. Leave must be taken in the 12-month period following the initial qualifying event.
Additional Resources
The below is a list of frequently asked questions about the FMLA. For more information, read the policy, attend a Be Well session on leave, or contact the GTHR leave specialist.
FMLA Forms are located under Leave-Absence on the GTHR Forms & Guides website